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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Singing Along with my Guru

It has been always a wonderful experience singing with my Guru Guruji Dr.TV Gopalakrishnan.
Most of the concerts are not  highly planned one's. Though there would be some planing before the concert not many times the same songs are rendered by him on stage :-)
But I think this is how a student can groom himself to be a concert musician.
There would be a lot of learning process which actually happen on stage.
One part would be the songs I know which he renders in the days concert , where you need to observe how more beautifully it can be rendered or take in the nuances of the raga or the krithi and the other part would be the songs I would not have known and he sings them where you get to have your lessons along with your intake and observation of the nuances and the prayogas etc....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Recent Concert At Chennai

Just a couple of days back I sang in Chennai at Besent nagar for AIMA. It was a very nice experience singing there as my GURU Dr. T.V.Gopalakrishnan was present in the concert.
I was one of the blessed ones in this concert where my GURU TVG Sir was having his seat in the front row.

I was accompanied by Meera Rajkumar on the violin and Rajkumar on the mridangam.

Song list:

1. Sami ninne - Sri raga Varnam - Adi talam.
2. Gajavadana beduve - Hamsadwani - Adi.( S)
3. Ka va va - Varali - Adi.
4. Mamava Sada - Nataikurunji - Roopakam ( R S).
5. Oorajupuchu - Kannadagowla- Adi.
6. Saraswathi - Hindolam - Roopakam.
7. Raghuvara nannu - Pantuvarali - Adi.( RNS & Tani).
8. Brahma mokkate - Bowli - Adi.
9. Jayati Jayati Bharata Matha - Kamas - Trisram.
10.Tamburi Meetidava - Sindhu Bhairavi - Adi.